
1.7225 Steel Buying Guide

din 1.7225 42crmo4 steel round bars

Are you looking for 1.7225 steel but you’re not sure of the reasons why you need it? Many people find it hard and challenging to understand, but in reality, it’s actually simple.

In this buying guide, we’ll be unraveling some of the things you ought to know about 1.7225 steel. By the end of this guide, you’ll not only be skilled to look at and distinguish 1.7225 steel, you will also have the knowledge in finding the best source for it.

What is 1.7225 Steel?

1.7225 steel is a type of Chromium Molybdenum steel that is completed with tempering and quenching.

what is 1.7225 steel
Example of 1.7225 steel

You want to use this steel type because of its overall strength, toughness and durability, hardenability, as well as high fatigue limit and impact resistance.

The term “1.7225” has been its name under the DIN or the Deutsches Institut für Normung. Should you be not aware of what that is – don’t fret because it’s actually…

What is the DIN Standard?

The DIN standard is the conventional or the classic standardization work in Germany. You can find traces of its past as it’s been established by German nationals.

They currently have their headquarters in Berlin, Germany and as of today, there are about 30,000+ DIN standards in many fields of the industrial sector.

That being said, does it have a counterpart in other standards and designations?

Is 1.7225 Steel the Same as AISI 4140 Steel?

The most common question that revolves around 1.7225 steel is if it’s the same as 4140 steel – and it actually isn’t. You can consider them closely, but they’re not 100% similar.

is 1.7225 steel the same as 4140 steel
Image of an AISI 4140 steel

1.7225 steel is near to what 4140 steel is and one difference is that the latter is under the AISI or the American Iron and Steel Institute standard. The former (1.7225 steel), is part of the DIN standard.

What Does 42CrMo4 Mean?

What it means, basically, is that it’s a type of alloy steel you can use for tempering and quenching.

It contains 0.15 to 0.30% of Molybdenum (Mo), about 0.90 to 1.20% of Chromium (Cr), and 0.60 to 0.90% of Manganese (Mn).

It contains other alloying elements, too such as Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Phosphorus (P), and Copper (Cu).

Other Distinctions of 1.7225 Steel

Apart from AISI 4140 and DIN 1.7225, here are some other distinctions and designations of this particular steel:

  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A304
  • Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) SCM 4 and 4H
  • Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1268
  • SS 2244
  • Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) 42 CD 4
  • UNI 38 CrMo 4 KB
  • UNI 40 CrMo 4

These are just some of the other designations of the 1.7225 steel.

Properties of 1.7225 Steel

To help you further in understanding whether or not the 1.7225 steel is for you, here are some of its mechanical properties that you might want to take note of:

properties of 1.7225 steel
1.7225 steel sheets and bars

Impact Strength

Impact strength, also referred to as impact toughness, is the steel’s energy threshold in terms of withstanding materials when the load is applied to it.

In simpler terms, it is the ability of the steel to absorb mechanical energy through deformation and fracture.

The impact strength of 1.7225 steel stands at 16 < d ≤ 250 mm, 8 < t ≤ 160 mm (≥ 35J) based on the Charpy-V notch test.

Yield Strength

A steel’s yield strength can simply be known as the stress at where permanent plastic deformation happens or occurs naturally. It is the maximum stress that you can apply before its shape changes or becomes modified.

1.7225 steel’s yield strength stands at 1,050 MPa or at 152,000 psi.

Tensile Strength

The tensile strength is the ability of a steel or a material to resist force as per unit area. In other words, it’s the threshold for a material’s tensile stress before breaking or failing.

For 1.7225, the tensile strength stands at a staggering 1150 MPa or just a little bit above 167,000 psi.

Elongation at Break

Also known as fracture strains, the elongation at break is the proportion that sits within the initial and changed length after the breaking of the material or the steel.

The elongation at break of 1.7225 steel sits at 17.50%.

Those are the most sought-after properties of 1.7225 steel. There are others such as its hardness (in different scales and standards), its shear modulus, area reduction, and many more!

Knowing these figures can easily help and assist you in figuring out whether or not it’s the type of steel you need.

1.7225 Steel Common Applications

What you can also use as basis for how you can use them would be their common applications.

1.7225 steel common applications
Crankshafts – one of the common uses for 1.7225 steel

The most common uses and applications you can have with 1.7225 steels include:

  • Parts and Components in the Oil & Gas Industry
  • Gun Barrels
  • Automotive Parts and Gears
  • Crankshafts
  • Steering Knuckles
  • Conveyors and Rolls
  • Spindles (Milling and Turning)

These aren’t the only applications you can use 1.7225 steel for, there are a lot more! You can contact your 1.7225 steel wholesale manufacturer and supplier if ever you’re curious about how else you can use it.

Buying 1.7225 Steel: Which Manufacturer Should You Work With?

Right now, there are a lot of 1.7225 manufacturers and suppliers that offer low-quality 1.7225 steels, so, be wary of them.

But, if you want high-quality 1.7225 steel, work with us here at Waldun Steel. We will get you world-class quality 1.7225 steels no matter what type of use you have for it!

Should you be unsure of how much you’ll need to spend, don’t fret – we’ll help you with a free quotation or a free estimate!

Waldun Steel will never fail to provide extreme-quality 1.7225 steel whatever needs you have. Contact us and we’ll get you a free sample of the material you specifically need so you’ll know the materials you can absolutely work with!

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